
Month: July, 2013

What a weekend…

Loyalty, dedication, and persistence are scarce characteristics anymore…In fact, there is little trace of them..  If you’ve given up on humanity from everything we see in the news, I must admit that I can’t necessarily blame you. However, let me share with you my participation in the Wish-A-Mile. Maybe it will replenish your jar of hope as it did mine.

I participated in the full tour of WAM as an employee of Make-A-Wish Michigan (I didn’t bike. I worked it, helping out with social media and media relations). It was both incredible and arduous.. I watched over 900 cyclists pedal an excruciating  300-miles across the state of Michigan in just three days in cold, windy, and rainy weather. Why? To grant the wishes of children with life-threatening medical conditions through the Make-A-Wish Foundation. Together, they raised over $2 million!!

Remember those characteristics that are hard to find? I can attest they aren’t as dead as we think they are. I witnessed loyalty; it came in the form of comradery among team members. I witnessed dedication; it came in the form of cyclists refusing to take advantage of the support vehicles to carry them when they became exhausted. And I witnessed persistence; it came in the form of bikers withstanding the terrible weather conditions.

I met many cyclists and heard their background stories… each one came down to wanting to give back to Make-A-Wish. Many of them were former wish kids or wish parents. I met doctors biking to give show support for their patients. I even met a 6 month pregnant women who biked a majority of the race. But best of all, I met a founder of the race — Al Peterson (pictured above by Sarah and I). He has been riding for 26 years. I became emotionally invested in many cyclist’s 300-mile journey. As I watched them cross the finish line on the Michigan International Speedway to be awarded a medal by a wish hero (a wish kid), I got chills. I was overwhelmed by what I just witnessed over 900 people put themselves through.

It was a long weekend, but so worth it! I learned a lot and got so close to the mission of the Make-A-Wish Foundation. Being surrounded by people who love this non-profit as much as I do, was both moving and motivating.

Good still exists. I can promise that after this weekend. It could be in the heart of your neighbor, your boss, your co-worker, your doctor, or that stranger you run into everyday getting your morning cup of coffee. Don’t give up.

Check out the photos from the event below. For more information on the Wish-A-Mile visit For even more photos visit,

(All photos were captured by Andrew Knapik)


Where does your heart truly lie?



I found an awesome church in Ann Arbor that is blessed with two amazing pastors. It is so hard to find a spiritual church away from home and I’m extremely grateful God led me to this one. This morning the sermon talked about idols and how we have them in our lives today, more so than we realize. We were given a notecard and told to answer these seven questions to find out where our heart truly lies and to find out what we put before God. I challenge you to try and honestly answer them. It’s eye opening, because they might not be BAD things… but they still things/people take precedence over God.

1. What are you most disappointed with right now?
2. What do you sacrifice your time and money for? Give the choice, you know what gets your attention.
3. What do you worry about? What captivates your time and mind?
4. Where do you go when your hurt?
5. What makes you mad? What can ruin your day?
6. What brings you the most joy
7. Whose applause do you most long for?

“Where your heart is, is where your treasure is.” When God is asking for you to give it all, he is asking for your all of your heart. I hope this sermon was as eye-opening for you as it was for me. Have a blessed week.